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9780471049234 0471049239 Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume III Louis S. Hegedus & Leroy G. Wade, Jr. Presents the new synthetic methods for preparation of monofunctional compounds for 1974, 1975, and 1976. Sections correspond to most of the possible interconversions between the major functional groups. In addition, the volume contains examples of new methods of preparation of difunctional compounds formed from pairs of the major functional groups. 1977 (0 471-36752-4) 495 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume II Ian T. Harrison & Shuyen Harrison ". a valuable supplement to their earlier volume. Not only does it contain many additional examples of methods of preparing monofunctional compounds, but it also contains a new section covering preparation of difunctional compounds.. particularly useful for the synthetic organic chemist who wishes to locate fairly quickly a recipe for a simple functional group transformation." --Laboratory Practice 1974 (0 471-35551-8) 437 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume I Ian T. Harrison & Shuyen Harrison A compilation of organic functional group transformations, including 3000 synthetic methods presented in the form of reactions with leading references. Divided into sections corresponding to all possible interconversions between the major functional groups: acetylene, carboxylic acid, alcohol, etc. Other parts deal with the protection of carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amines, and ketones. "A very usable volume . deserves a Wide sale." --Journal of the American Chemical Society 1971 (0 471-35550-X) 529 pages, Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume III Louis S. Hegedus&& Leroy G. Wade, Jr. Presents the new synthetic methods forpreparation of monofunctional compounds for 1974, 1975, and 1976.Sections correspond to most of the possible interconversionsbetween the major functional groups. In addition, the volumecontains examples of new methods of preparation of difunctionalcompounds formed from pairs of the major functional groups. 1977 (0471367524) 495 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic MethodsVolume II Ian T. Harrison && Shuyen Harrison ". a valuablesupplement to their earlier volume. Not only does it contain manyadditional examples of methods of preparing monofunctionalcompounds, but it also contains a new section covering preparationof difunctional compounds.. particularly useful for the syntheticorganic chemist who wishes to locate fairly quickly a recipe for asimple functional group transformation." Laboratory Practice 1974(0 471355518) 437 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic MethodsVolume I Ian T. Harrison && Shuyen Harrison A compilation oforganic functional group transformations, including 3000 syntheticmethods presented in the form of reactions with leading references.Divided into sections corresponding to all possibleinterconversions between the major functional groups: acetylene,carboxylic acid, alcohol, etc. Other parts deal with the protectionof carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amines, and ketones. "Avery usable volume . deserves a Wide sale." Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society 1971 (0 47135550X) 529 pages, Provides synthetic chemists with a method for rapid retrieval of information from the literature, listing material by reaction type rather than by author name or publication date. Each updated volume presents the latest synthetic methods for preparation of monofunctional and difunctional compounds. The organization is logical and easy to follow; sections are arranged according to the possible interconversions between the major functional groups. Enables synthetic chemists to keep abreast of recent developments and retrieve a specific piece of information quickly and easily., The Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods series facilitates the working chemist's search for the most useful functional group transformations in organic chemistry. Drawn from an exhaustive survey of the literature, Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 12 contains both functional group transformations and carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions. Author Michael Smith adheres to stringent criteria for listing reactions, including real synthetic utility and reagents that are either readily available or easily prepared and handled in the laboratory. A clear organizational scheme-chemical transformations classified first by reacting functional group of starting material, then by functional group formed-allows for quick reference and information retrieval. Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 12 provides an unparalleled source of information on the methods, reactions, and transformations in contemporary organic chemistry for the working chemist and student alike., Volume 9 in the series originated by I. T. Harrison and S. Harrison
9780471049234 0471049239 Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume III Louis S. Hegedus & Leroy G. Wade, Jr. Presents the new synthetic methods for preparation of monofunctional compounds for 1974, 1975, and 1976. Sections correspond to most of the possible interconversions between the major functional groups. In addition, the volume contains examples of new methods of preparation of difunctional compounds formed from pairs of the major functional groups. 1977 (0 471-36752-4) 495 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume II Ian T. Harrison & Shuyen Harrison ". a valuable supplement to their earlier volume. Not only does it contain many additional examples of methods of preparing monofunctional compounds, but it also contains a new section covering preparation of difunctional compounds.. particularly useful for the synthetic organic chemist who wishes to locate fairly quickly a recipe for a simple functional group transformation." --Laboratory Practice 1974 (0 471-35551-8) 437 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume I Ian T. Harrison & Shuyen Harrison A compilation of organic functional group transformations, including 3000 synthetic methods presented in the form of reactions with leading references. Divided into sections corresponding to all possible interconversions between the major functional groups: acetylene, carboxylic acid, alcohol, etc. Other parts deal with the protection of carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amines, and ketones. "A very usable volume . deserves a Wide sale." --Journal of the American Chemical Society 1971 (0 471-35550-X) 529 pages, Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volume III Louis S. Hegedus&& Leroy G. Wade, Jr. Presents the new synthetic methods forpreparation of monofunctional compounds for 1974, 1975, and 1976.Sections correspond to most of the possible interconversionsbetween the major functional groups. In addition, the volumecontains examples of new methods of preparation of difunctionalcompounds formed from pairs of the major functional groups. 1977 (0471367524) 495 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic MethodsVolume II Ian T. Harrison && Shuyen Harrison ". a valuablesupplement to their earlier volume. Not only does it contain manyadditional examples of methods of preparing monofunctionalcompounds, but it also contains a new section covering preparationof difunctional compounds.. particularly useful for the syntheticorganic chemist who wishes to locate fairly quickly a recipe for asimple functional group transformation." Laboratory Practice 1974(0 471355518) 437 pages Compendium of Organic Synthetic MethodsVolume I Ian T. Harrison && Shuyen Harrison A compilation oforganic functional group transformations, including 3000 syntheticmethods presented in the form of reactions with leading references.Divided into sections corresponding to all possibleinterconversions between the major functional groups: acetylene,carboxylic acid, alcohol, etc. Other parts deal with the protectionof carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amines, and ketones. "Avery usable volume . deserves a Wide sale." Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society 1971 (0 47135550X) 529 pages, Provides synthetic chemists with a method for rapid retrieval of information from the literature, listing material by reaction type rather than by author name or publication date. Each updated volume presents the latest synthetic methods for preparation of monofunctional and difunctional compounds. The organization is logical and easy to follow; sections are arranged according to the possible interconversions between the major functional groups. Enables synthetic chemists to keep abreast of recent developments and retrieve a specific piece of information quickly and easily., The Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods series facilitates the working chemist's search for the most useful functional group transformations in organic chemistry. Drawn from an exhaustive survey of the literature, Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 12 contains both functional group transformations and carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions. Author Michael Smith adheres to stringent criteria for listing reactions, including real synthetic utility and reagents that are either readily available or easily prepared and handled in the laboratory. A clear organizational scheme-chemical transformations classified first by reacting functional group of starting material, then by functional group formed-allows for quick reference and information retrieval. Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 12 provides an unparalleled source of information on the methods, reactions, and transformations in contemporary organic chemistry for the working chemist and student alike., Volume 9 in the series originated by I. T. Harrison and S. Harrison