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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Staff - FAA Handbooks: Instrument Procedures Handbook : Faa-H-8083-16 read EPUB, TXT, DOC


This is the new 2014 edition of the FAA's previous Instrument Procedures Handbook" (previously the FAA-H-8261-1A).In the FAA's "Instrument Procedures Handbook" (#FAA-H-8083-16) the emphasis is placed on operations and procedural information for real-world use, which makes this the next logical step for pilots after learning basic instrument skills from the FAA's "Instrument Flying Handbook" (#FAA-H-8083-15B). Using this book, pilots can more directly apply the concepts to their current flying situation, and learn how their acquired skills are best used in today's IFR environment.Considered industry-wide as a top source for instrument procedures information and a "must read" for all instrument pilots, this new 2014 Edition brings pilots the latest changes to procedures and even more insights and guidance on how to operate safely within the national airspace system. Detailed information is provided for every navigation receiver and phase of flight on the required precision necessary to stay within protected airspace and to make a successful approach. The manual emphasizes airplane operations, but includes a chapter on helicopter operations as well. It includes new content exploring the NextGen System, such as ADS-B, SWIM, data and network communications systems, and a "forecast" of NextGen planned improvements.Other new topics covered include: controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS), LNAV/VNAV and circling minimums, head-up display (HUD) and synthetic and enhanced vision systems (SVS/EVS). Pertinent issues are discussed related to the development, limitations and utilization of airborne navigation databases in use today and for future use in an ever-modernizing national airspace system.With the increased occurrence of regulatory changes, pilots must be aware of current procedures. This book covers all of the information needed to operate safely within the airspace system. In-depth sections on instrument charts andprocedures cover all phases of flight from takeoff to landing, including safety of flight issues such as runway incursions and controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). Each topic covered is well-detailed and explained in user-friendly terms, along with full-color depictions to aid understanding.The Instrument Procedures Handbook was intended primarily as a technical reference for professional pilots. However, with the specialized glossary, index, full-color illustrations and photographs, flightinstructors, instrument pilots and instrument students alike will find it a valuable training aid. The wealth of information provided in this book is invaluable to everyone who operates under instrument flight rules (IFR).This FAA Handbook contains straightforward discussions and explanations for: - Operations in the National Airspace System - Detailed coverage of instrument charts - Instrument procedural information for: takeoff, departure, en route, arrival, approach and landing - Humanfactors - Land and hold short operations (LAHSO) - Runway incursion information - Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) - Helicopter instrument proceduresWhether a pilot is a seasoned professional or recently completed an Instrument Rating course, this FAA handbook is sure to encourage more precise instrument techniques and ultimately create a safer pilot. Used as a source reference in the FAA Knowledge Exams and Practical Test Standards."

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Staff - FAA Handbooks: Instrument Procedures Handbook : Faa-H-8083-16 DJV download book

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