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Raymond Hitchins - Ashgate Popular and Folk Music: Vibe Merchants : The Sound Creators of Jamaican Popular Music MOBI, EPUB


Vibe Merchants offers an insiderOCOs perspective on the development of Jamaican popular music. This rare perspective focuses on the actual details of music making practice, rationalised in the context of the economic and creative forces that locally drive music production. By focusing on the work of audio engineers and musicians, recording studios and recording models, Ray Hitchins highlights a music creation methodology that has been acknowledged as being different to that of Europe and North America. The book leads to a broadening of our understanding of how Jamaican Popular Music emerged, developed and functions."

Raymond Hitchins - Ashgate Popular and Folk Music: Vibe Merchants : The Sound Creators of Jamaican Popular Music book DOC, DJV, PDF

Put the right people in place, get the most out of your investments, and learn how to work the crowd both virtually and in person.The absence of flight, hotel, and food costs make it more than feasible to hire a great performer, or even call in a favor to get someone across the world on a project.Cameron McGraw (1919-1995) was a composer and co-director of the Jenkintown Music School.Readers learn how Clark decided which eager young singers would appear on the show, how he managed to survive a 1959 Congressional payola investigation that destroyed the careers of many other popular disc jockeys, how much money he earned from his personal financial investments in many of the songs played on Bandstand, and his importance to ABC in its fledgling days as a national television network.From a life-changing trip to India, where he met with gurus and first learned of Gandhi's Salt March, to the gritty streets of New York in the 1970s, where the composer returned, working day jobs as a furniture mover, cabbie, and an unlicensed plumber, Glass leads the life of a Parisian bohemian artist, only now transported to late-twentieth-century America.Yet even after Glass's talent was first widely recognized with the sensational premiere of Einstein on the Beach in 1976, even after he stopped renewing his hack license and gained international recognition for operatic works like Satyagraha, Orphée, and Akhnaten, the son of a Baltimore record store owner never abandoned his earliest universal ideals throughout his memorable collaborations with Allen Ginsberg, Ravi Shankar, Robert Wilson, Doris Lessing, Martin Scorsese, and many others, all of the highest artistic order.Few major composers are celebrated as writers, but Philip Glass, in this loving and slyly humorous autobiography, breaks across genres and re-creates, here in words, the thrill that results from artistic creation.SPEED OF SOUND is the story of an extraordinary man living an extraordinary life, as well as one man's quest to make peace between art and the digital world.A concise anthology featuring a wide range of medieval music.Drawing on the ideas of influential thinkers of the past, intellectual path makers on the contemporary scene offer new philosophical perspectives, laying the groundwork for future work in philosophy and media studies.A fanatic interest in Minnie underpins and energizes this wonderful biography."David Roediger, author of "The Wages of Whiteness" Paul Garon is a co-founder of "Living Blues" magazine and author of "The Devil's Son-in-Law" and "Blues and the Poetic Spirit." Beth Garon is a painter and collagist.This book follows up on and extends work in an earlier volume (Nannyonga- Tamusuza and Solomon 2012) which included papers from the first symposium in the series.He was President of the Music Masters' and Mistresses' Association from 1996-97 and President of the RAM Club at the Royal Academy of Music 2005-06.Of those discussed here whose musical writings have gained some currency - Ernst Bloch, Theodor W.The concluding section of the handbook offers specific and groundbreaking practical examples of social justice in action through a variety of educational and social projects and pedagogical practices that might inspire and guide those wishing to confront and attempt to ameliorate musical or other inequity and injustice.